Explore a range of video storytelling in my collection of work.

Explore a range of video storytelling in my collection of work.
Browse a curated selection of my photography.
Take a look at my featured graphic design.
Watch how reclaimed clothing is remade into new garments.
View the transformation from repurposed clothing to sustainable fashion, art, and home furnishings.
Uncover the story of textile innovation in creating reusable products through zero-waste design.
Engage with powerful visual stories captured through the lens of those who served.
View the entrance to the "Missing" exhibit, featuring my photography of the 9/11 World Trade Center aftermath.
Discover the moment when "the future began with a tiny blue flower spotted from a Russian space capsule grounded in the Kazakhstan desert."
Follow the creative brain down the "'side roads and dirt roads of artistry, discovery, and humor."
Experience "standing in the doorway of his studio, where I could feel as much as hear the rich blend of harmonic overtones."
Dive into the "endless onstage energy, insanely frenetic dance tunes and truly original compositions" of Luminescent Orchestrii.
Learn how skilled editors and writers tap into language and creativity to transform "concept into story, word by word."